Sunday, April 30, 2006


This weekend I was going to go sleep outside with the Invisible Children Global Night Commuters.... but then, I knew that my dad wasn't all that positive about it, (communicated with my mother there,) and knowing that I had too much homework, (which I still do...), I knew it was going to be rainy and cold, I would get no sleep most likely, and that if I stayed up all night I'd be exhausted today and incapable of doing schoolwork.... I decided that I would skip it.

(It turns out that it rained and was horribly cold and wet, and according to my friend Chris' blog, they moved to a nearby church for the night, after about 10pm... )

So if you were there and wondering where I was.... that's why. :-)

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God; to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom he did foreknow, these he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the Firstborn among many bretheren. Whom he predestined, these he also called, whom he called, these he also justified, and whom he justified, these he also glorified.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who may be against us? God, who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He with Him not also freely give us all things? Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is Christ who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, furthermore is risen, even at the right hand of God, who makes intercession for us.

What shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, "For your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."
Yet in all these things, we are more than conquerers, through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor heigth nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ our Lord.

---Romans 8:28-39

I just thought of the first verse here, "and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to those who are called according to His purpose"... and then I thought about CONTEXT... so I decided to write it all out.

I might have misquoted something- I memorized this passage, and wrote it largely from memory, (though I did go to after about half of it, because I didn't want to mix up which things came first...)

hmm.. Memorization. Gotta go do some of that now.... I've been kind of delinquent....


Friday, April 28, 2006

ten words beginning with H.... (this is a link)

This post is in reply to something that my friend Sarah had on her Xanga... She gave me a letter to come up with things that started with it... can you guess what letter I have?

1. Home- where I have lived my whole life. Full of learning,growing, fun, family, and... school.
2. Hanne- my youngest sister, who is quickly getting to be not-so-young- she's 14.
3. Homework- that thing that public-school kids had to do in highschool, that was a foreign concept to me, but now that I am in college, I've gotten very well acquainted with it....
4. Hot- the weather in the summer.... and sometimes in the spring.
5. Huh?- what I say sometimes, when one of my friends tries to say something to me in French....
6. Hello- what it's nice to hear when I walk across campus... when people I know say hi, it makes me feel happy...
7. Heaven- The place where a mansion is being prepared for me.... :-) and I will be in the presence of God.
8. Humility- a virtue that I don't always have...but I'm working on it. :-)
9. Horrifying- what it is to realize at 11:30 at night, that I have a paper due at 8AM, AND a vocabulary quiz... (which I end up getting A's on both, but... it's still horrifying...)
10. Human- What I am; it makes me fallible, but it also gives me the quality of being made in the image of God..... and as such, it also reminds me that I need to show those around me whose image it is...


Brita made me laugh today, by mailing me a cartoon... Here is the scanned version of it.....

:-) what do you think?

(click the picture for a bigger version of the picture...)


Monday, April 24, 2006


I am excited... I got a 100% on my ANTH 315 "take-home" exam... Yay. This made my day. I was expecting something like an 85, or so... and instead, I got a 100%, and a note from the teacher, saying she LOVED my paper, and wants to use it as an example to the students in the class who "just don't get how to write an academic paper"....


I have added pictures to my Viennese Ball post, so be sure to click on it again, and see them!

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Sad. Weekend almost over. It was a nice weekend. I liked it. I wish I had a week more of weekend left. Tomorrow I have (ick) more class. Four more weeks of class including finals. Yuck. Eww.

Too much stuff... not enough time. Eww. Projects. Ewww.

Whining about school... I know. :-(

I wish I could just leave it and get my credits NOW.....


scatterbrained writing, today....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Viennese Ball

Wow, that was fun. I felt so pretty in my formal dress... and there was just so much going on....
(ok... got tired of writing this... so I am swiping the remainder of this post from an email I just finished sending...)

Viennese ball was fun. Lots of fun. My cousin Ian ended up dancing
with my friend Becky a lot... ended up going home with her phone
number, in fact...... the only dancing I did was spinning in circles
with my cousin Kate because we felt like having fun, in the polka
room :-) That was fun. Oh- and we "waltzed" too... lol.... dancing
would be a lot of fun, I think, if I knew how to do it properly....
good exercise, too... :-) So some time I will learn how... :-)
Hopefully before next year's Viennese Ball.... (and maybe by then I
will have someone to go with besides my cousin Ian....)
I didn't get to bed last night until 2AM.... but it was fun. My shoes
started hurting my feet, so I checked them in at the "coat check"...
lol... .I sure got some funny looks from the workers there... both
dropping them off, and then when we were leaving, and the guy getting
my items couldn't find what he thought he was looking for... my shoes
were sitting on the top of the coat rack, and he was looking for a
coat... lol.... So I wandered around the ball, (and danced with Kate,.
lol ) barefoot. I don't know if I would have gotten in trouble doing
that during the school-day... but my dress was touching the ground as
it was, so I really don't think anyone could even tell that I was
barefoot, to begin with....

There was so much cool music there... it was just fun to listen to- I
think there were five A Cappella groups performing, plus the
musicians playing for the waltzing, and the jazz, and the
polka,etc........ and my friend was playing fancy music on the giant
piano.. (bosendorfer, I believe... giant grand piano, that I REALLY
wanted to play....)

I could really deal with going back to visit the era where balls occured often... like Cinderella... :-)

...just... with dancing slippers, rather than heels....


This is Kate.... grr.... she was actually complaining about this picture........

and me again.... worse picture....

Friday, April 21, 2006


Today is the Viennese Ball. The Davies center has been getting incredibly festive the last few days, and I am excited to get to go!

I've already attempted to do my hair today, (will probably redo/touch it up later, before I leave) and makeup....

This afternoon I have to go meet with my group members for a project... but... yay. 6:30, the VBall starts.... :-)


Thursday, April 20, 2006


ah. Finished. The paper for my class tomorrow. and no, my teacher did not specify a format... but she is probably going to be surprised.....

(oh. If you want to see the article that I had to read, you can find it online, half-way down the page.... (click on the word "paper." above.)

English 225
April 20th, 2006
“Mr. Language Person...” Response to #2 on page 331- third #2.
Danette Thompson

(patterned after the article’s style)
Q: Do some people have a right to certain joke topics, while others do not? For example, is it permissible for Jews to make holocaust jokes, but not for people of German descent? Or for African Americans to make lynching jokes, but not for people of other ethnicities?
A: Yes.
Q: Please explain your response further.
A: People who have been hurt/are related to those who have been hurt by something, are sometimes incredibly sensitive to jokes on that topic. For example, if your mother died from cancer recently, you are probably not going to be very amicable towards “your mother” jokes. However, if that person feels like making those jokes, himself, he is demonstrating that he is comfortable with that.
Q: How does that relate to minorities? How does it relate to the question?
A: It doesn’t, directly, but kind of.
Q: Huh?
A: People of a minority group often use jokes to deal with what they are having to go through. If you have a black man making jokes about black people being hanged, (weird grammar for this word,) he’s obviously not being derogatory towards blacks. When a white person does it, (or someone from any other ethnicity, for that matter) it is unknown whether it is friendly or not. As for holocaust jokes, I don’t really think anything in the holocaust needs jokes made about it. Joke about the stupidity of Hitler, maybe... but not the Jews themselves, in relation to the holocaust. However, I suppose that if a Jewish person, (who perhaps has a relative who survived the holocaust, so they are connected to the sentiments from it,) desires to make a joke, he or she should go ahead.
Q: Why do you use the term “Black”? It’s not politically correct!
A: Because you call me “White”. I am as “Scandinavian American” as Black people are “African American”; for that matter, I am probably more so Scandinavian, as that is my entire heritage, and according to my Anthropology professor, Jill Smith, most people who label themselves as African American have as much or more European blood in them, as African blood. So if you’re going to deal with your crayon colors, I’m using red and yellow, black and white; (they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the of the song)
Q: Back to the question: What in your own experience, relates to this?
A: Being homeschooled. I would not have been very pleased, (AM not very pleased..) to hear “public school kids” being derogative towards homeschooling, because we are a minority, and are persecuted for what we do. (until recently, homeschooling wasn’t legal in all states, and we still have times we need to get the HSLDA (HomeSchool Legal Defense Association) involved in things to preserve parents’ rights.) However, we are a successful minority, and we are growing. (If you want to see scientific figures about homeschooling, ask me, and I will provide them; I have quite a reserve...) Anyway. People mocking homeschoolers, or calling us unintelligent, unsocialized, incompetent, uneducated, or other things, is offensive, not just because it’s not true, but also because we work hard NOT to be any of those things. Growing up I was driven by an intense desire to be “better” than my public-school counterpart- because I had a need to prove that I was not inadequate, because of the way I was taught.
On the other hand, jokes in the homeschool circles are very common, in which we laugh at ourselves, (commonly in the “You might be a homeschooler if...” jokes;) and at those who just don’t “get it” about homeschooling. (The Twelve days of Homeschooling)
Q: Ah.. I see. Where can I see some of those jokes?
A: Email me and I will find them for you. I have a massive list of “You Might Be A Homeschooler If..” items; and there are numerous other jokes online that are able to be searched.
Q: What is your email address? What reason do I have to actually do so?
A: Because they’re funny to me, and you just won’t know what they’re talking about unless you’re homeschooled... but they’re culture. And you should be exposed to it. And my email address is
Q: Are you finished now, or do you have something else to say?
A: Yes. Finished. Done.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Two of my classes were cancelled today. This is bliss. No evil ANTH 315 class yesterday.... then no 8AM ENGL 225 today... and then no MUSI 108..... Kind of nice...... So now I had an 11AM class... and will have a 3:30 PM class. I like that.....

Quiz in my 3:30 class.... ick. Must stop writing now and go refresh my memory for the quiz. :-)

Current favorite Song: "My Savior, My God"--Aaron Shust

I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at his right hand
Stands one who is my savior

I take him at his word and deed
Christ died to save me this I read
And in my heart I find a need
For him to be my savior

That he would leave his place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my savior

My savior loves, my savior lives
My savior's always there for me
My God he was, my God he is
My God he's always gonna be

Yes, living, dying; let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring
That he who lives to be my king
Once died to be my savior

That he would leave his place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my savior

My savior loves, my savior lives
My savior's always there for me
My God he was, My God he is
My God he's always gonna be......

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I noticed..

I noticed recently... how often I update this blog! And, unfortunately, that keeps making me impatient with my friends, when theirs lag behind my own... ("come on... update!" I think...)
In reality though, nobody's fallen that far behind... it just seems like it to this girl who adds something new nearly every day...


And here I go again.... updating it... ;)


I also want to just say thank you to my friends... You are all so encouraging to me- even without doing all that much! You make life fun and interesting, and it's just overall more fun when you're all around!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


That's the weather today.
And how work went.
And how class went.
And how homework went...

basically everything was...


Not wonderful or terrific or exciting... but nice. :-)

I am sleepy.

good night.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

interesting ....

Search your blog archive. Find your 23rd post. Find the fifth sentence (this is meant to say something about you). Post that sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

"Why must they defile my mind?" I wondered to myself, as I generally ignored all discussion in the room, and concentrated on writing down what I thought of the whole experience.

weird. :-)

Monday, April 10, 2006


that's my day. Long. and it's not over yet. I still have to write a paper and study vocab. words.... stuff just never seems to end......

I stayed up last night, doing a little homework, and laughing with friends... like a couple of girls from my dorm wing, who were running up and down the hall, trying to calculate what unit of measure Confucius would have used, and how many "Li" (as they discovered was the unit,) it would be, to equal a thousand miles.... (we painted a mural on our hallway wall, which has the quote, "A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step"....) and whether the 1000 was converted, or not..... etc. etc.... Lots of fun. As one of my friends said, "Is anybody taping this? 'Cause I want to keep it!"

Yeah. That was a lot of fun.

Today I went to work. And then one little boy's dad didn't pick him up until 5:15.... 15 minutes LATE..... all because he was having "computer problems"... hmm.... Knowing the nature of computers.... I really wish he had started wrapping up 15 minutes earlier!.... and I wish that my boss would re-announce and sound severe, stating to parents that the program CLOSES at 5pm... not just ENDS..... so that they need to be here on time..... it's really a pain when everyone comes late.... which is kind of a pattern I'm seeing...

I could really ramble on about work.... for example, how insane it is, that these babies have feeding "schedules" that are so rigid..... I mean- if the baby is hungry.... why not feed her? You can make toddlers wait for their food... but.... a 5 month old.... PLEASE!!!!..... especially when she's tiny.... it's getting quite annoying to have to try to comfort a little girl, when it's obvious to everyone that she's hungry, and say, "But she has to wait another 45 minutes for her bottle...". dumb. These parents need to realize that when babies grow, they need to eat more.

...that's enough rambling.... but.. hrm.... I definitely want to find another job for next semester. ON campus. I don't want to have to drive off-campus for work. Even as close as it is, it's quite inconvenient to have to drive there...and takes time.... and so when parents come late, I still have to drive back to campus, and THEN eat dinner... and THEN go to class... it's a pain.

I found out that the lady I used to work for at the registration office switched jobs- now she works in the organizations complex in the Davies center..... and a huge number of student employees stopped working at the registration office... so... maybe I could go back? It would be boring... but... a lot less stressful, than dealing with Cole every week.... Or Madison... The only ones I don't mind being with, are either the littler babies, or the toddlers, when they're well-rested, or otherwise happy.

I could maybe beg to move to the regular childrens' center....

But I definitely want to work somewhere else.... (and I don't think my boss likes me very much... she seems to communicate in a different way than me.... and gets confused when I say something, and then I have to try to explain it... and then I think it must come out wrong or something.......... it's complicated..... anyway, I get along fine with her, (Mother....) it's just there seems to be a wall, so I pretty much don't talk to her much, so that I don't get her confused with me, or offended, etc..... ick.)

That's enough time-wasting.. I must write my paper.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


This weekend was fun. Well... the second half of it, anyway. I had to write a paper for my anthropology class, on Friday.... but Saturday, I went to the Wisconsin Right To Life convention.. which was a LOT of fun... mostly one session- with a lady named Vicki Thorn- an international expert on post abortion syndrome. (which she says to call "the aftermath of abortion", because it's really only the natural response to losing a child in such a violent manner.)

I want to get her to come and speak here, for the Lighthouse Society....

Then, Saturday night, Brita came to visit me. :-)
That was fun. I miss seeing her all the time like I did before college....

We watched a couple of movies Saturday night... which was fun, because it meant, watching movies and having her to laugh with- or to make a comment, and have her reply with something other than "shh!!" Then Sunday,to church, (very interesting sermon which included a reenactment of the fall feasts of the israelites.... Very different from normal... but fun.

this afternoon, we went shopping... YAY!!!!! I found two pairs of pants, and shoes for the Viennese Ball... :-) and strawberries for smoothies, and mascara, and bananas, and bread.... Yeah. That's it, I think... :-D But yeah- I actually found pants... they're not "fashionable" with the bootcut leg and midrise- but the legs aren't super-tapered, either, so I am happy. And Brita didn't say that they were hideous, so I am pretty sure that they look decent.

...Tonight I have done nothing....shame on me....but I really don't have anything due tomorrow- I wrote a paper this weekend, which should have given me knowledge for my quiz tomorrow night, and nothing else is due until Tuesday- when, I primarily have a piano recital, a short paper due, and... um.. a vocabulary quiz. I believe that's it..... Wednesday: no homework- just going to work and class..... Thursday: I have to turn in my Shel Silverstein poem for class, and turn in my paper for ENGL 225.... and... hmm.... perhaps something else I am not aware of... I shall have to go look and check my syllabus. But I am pretty sure that we won't be doing much.

and then... yay- easter weekend, and HOME. And no school. And Monday, Bobby Schindler. And then Tuesday, school again.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Anti-abortionists Vs. Pro Lifers...


Today a group calling themselves "Missionaries to the Preborn", came to campus, with demonstrations, signs, and handing out literature. I am glad they came, because perhaps some people were affected by them. They had signs that portrayed the graphic nature of abortion, showing the dead babies...

I don't know exactly what I think of everything- I mean, I am glad they were here... should I go out and do the same thing? I don't know... mostly because I don't know what kind of results it would have, compared to the results that it will have to be more "friendy"..... Will people respond to the picketing, or to just love and compassion alone?

Thinking about it, I have to say that we really shouldn't shy away so much, from showing the REALITY of abortion- the victims. We should show the effects that abortion has- not just talk about them. Pictures speak louder than words.

The organization's website contained letters from people who they encountered, and stories of people who chose not to abort, because of their signs... so there's definitely an effect from them.... but is the effect as great as it would be if they did things a little differently? I don't know. I don't know either, whether the Lighthouse Society would want to be connected to such things.... but I kind of think I should stop being so much in the background, and DO something.... These people came from other parts of the state, and from around the country, to come HERE... Here I am... what am I doing, other than being the vice president of a student organization?

It's something to think about.


I thought I should mention, that I didn't see the majority of what the people did... and the more I hear people talk about it, it sounds like they got out of hand and off-topic... It's sad that these things happen... I wish that for once, a group of people who were doing things to make a difference in this way, would just manage NOT to direct insults at people, and alienate we who are around all the time....

(and I kind of wish their kids weren't homeschooled, because now I keep hearing negative comments about homeschooling, because their children were there... grr. I wonder how many people I shall have to set straight about homeschooling? )

Monday, April 03, 2006

stranger and stranger.

Weird. Everyone seems to have some connection to Thousand Pines, where I will work this summer.....

-My great uncle Curt knows people on the camp board.

-My grandparents attended the camp as children.

-My great aunt and uncle(not Curt) live less than 1 hour from the camp, and know about it.

- A friend thought she knew the camp I was talking about... but she was wrong... :-(
so oh well... not quite as many people as I thought.......

-Another friend has worked there the last two years, and told me about it.

Wow. I just think it's neat how things are getting pulled together... :-)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

my paper on book banning...

Book banning is an interesting topic. The definition of what book banning is, is a little bit elusive. The American Library Association seems to think that banning a book equates to taking it out of a public school. Others, such as the author of this article, define “banning” a book a bit more extremely- the book must be made unavailable. If you can still buy it at the bookstore- it isn’t banned.
The idea that choosing not to stock a book in a bookstore is “book banning”, is debatable. On the one hand, not stocking it could affect its availability to others who might desire to read it. On the other hand, the book will still be available from another source; not everyone is refusing to stock it- and if they all do, then perhaps it wasn’t decent, at all. This is what publishing companies do, for goodness sakes- they refuse to publish things they don’t like. Who knows what things we are “missing” because the publisher didn’t accept it?
At the same time, if you were to request a book at your library, and the library refused to get it for you because it didn’t approve of the book; or if the library just refuses to carry books of a particular mindset because they don’t like them, this is not tolerable. This is the restriction of free speech, because the library is government-funded. It’s a “public” library, and should not be bent to a ideological slant.
This causes a predicament, however, in that some things are really indecent, and do not deserve to be on the book shelves. For example, pornographic books or magazines. We do not need those in our public library, where they can be viewed by children. So if you are going to call them “speech” (though speaking is the LAST thing that occurs in this type of publication), I personally believe that you should do something to restrict their availability to minors. Place them in an “Adults Only” section of the library, or something.
I went to the ALA website, and read some of the quotes they had about books. One of them stuck out to me:
“[Confiscating a book and punishing its author] is a sign that one does not have a good case, or at least doesn't trust it enough to defend it with reasons and refute the objections. Some people even go so far as to consider prohibited or confiscated books to be the best ones of all, for the prohibition indicates that their authors wrote what they really thought rather than what they were supposed to think . . .”—Johann Lorenz Schmidt, 1741

A point to raise that is kind of pertinent to the concept of banned books, is that the most widely printed book in the world, the christian Bible, is also banned more than any other book in the world. What does this say about its opponents? If banning a book is a sign that you don’t have a good case against it... what case is there against the Bible, that makes people run and hide from it, and refuse to let us have it available to people in our public school systems?
This point may not be appreciated, because not everyone agrees with it... but according to Dwight Eisenhower:
Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book, as long as any document does not offend our own ideas of decency. That should be the only censorship......And we have got to fight it with something better, not try to conceal the thinking of our own people. They are part of America. And even if they think ideas that are contrary to ours, their right to say them, their right to record them, and their right to have them at places where they're accessible to others is unquestioned, or it's not America.

that is what was submitted to my teacher... I am expecting the same grade as usual- 10/10.... Nothing but quizzes in that class have ever gotten me less than 100%... a lot get me extra credit- 39/30 on a quiz or two.... :-)

(I could probably slack off and not do some stuff, and still get an A.... nice. :-) )

tragedy of tragedies...

Homework. I would love to post another nice long bit of thinking.. and perhaps I shall later... but for now.. alas, I have too much homework... and I seem to have slacked off too much this weekend- between getting sick, my brain not concentrating, and just... being lazy.... I still have nearly everything to to....


Saturday, April 01, 2006


Hmm.... Just something from one of the liberal "groups" on facebook...

Quite the propoganda.. it really seems to fit the description in my English class of a pitch... :-)

Are you disturbed and weary of Conservative lies? Corporations, and the Republicans that serve them, have the sick, the tired, and the poor of our nation serving them on their hands and knees while Bush's big government agenda strips all of us of our rights and dignity.

Now is the time for the kind-hearted and able-minded people of America to rise up and fight for their best interests in government. Quality education is what our children must have. Affordable health care is what every person deserves. Security during retirement is what our elderly are owed. An independent and impartial judiciary must be upheld to sustain checks and balances. Clean water and healthy skies are what all peoples of this world are entitled to. America will never prosper with a Fundamentalist Conservative chasing fictitious issues. The world needs Liberalism. The world needs strong-minded and open-hearted Liberals like you.

If you love freedom, cherish liberty, and if you value human rights and dignity, then you are a Liberal. Freedom isn't free; it takes a lot of time, effort, cooperation, patience, understanding and respect. Conservatives find these ideals to be intolerable. They are unwilling to sit down and discuss what is possible to make the world better for everyone and not just for themselves. They are unwilling to sacrifice their own comforts and indulgences to ensure everyone else's security and prosperity.

Liberals are the ones who represent true American values, don't let Conservatives have you believe otherwise. We must unite to combat immoral and corrupt Conservatism. Be Liberal, be proud!

Yeah. First comes the definition of the problem: Corporations, .... have the sick, the tired, and the poor of our nation serving them on their hands and knees while Bush's big government agenda strips all of us of our rights and dignity.

Next, the call, and the bonding... Now is the time for the kind-hearted and able-minded people of America to rise up and fight for their best interests in government......The world needs strong-minded and open-hearted Liberals like you.

After that, it tries to label what a "liberal" is... but uses such broad terms that it is almost ficticious... I mean- value human rights, and abort unborn children, at the same time? What about the dignity of the elderly, and infirm? You supported the death of Terri Schaivo! Freedom? How can you say that, and oppose the war on terror, and the freedom of Iraq? Liberty? Why do you smash my liberty to proclaim what I believe to all the world? You claim that we need "tolerance"... but where is the tolerance you speak of? You definitely haven't shown it!
Hmm... unwilling to sit down and discuss... I definitely am not! If a liberal sincerely wants to sit down and discuss political issues with me- go ahead! I'll discuss....

the last bit is infuriating.. "They are unwilling to sacrifice their own comforts and indulgences to ensure everyone else's security and prosperity. " Hmm... Why is it that the conservatives are the ones that were agreeing to the Patriot act?? Or not having a problem with Bush's wire-tapping?

We must unite to combat immoral and corrupt Conservatism. Be Liberal, be proud! Yeah. Immoral... Like opposing homosexual unions. (I will not use the word "gay" because it was a beautiful word in our language until it was sullied... much like queer... ack! these two destructions of English already make me feel hostile towards the culprit...) And... like protesting abortion! and... like... um... being different! :-) yeah.

riiiight. Just a glimpse of the drivel that the "other side" believes these days....


I am feeling better. Not wonderful, yet... but much better. Though I have to go eat breakfast, before I decide that I am THAT much better......

Hopefully I will be feeling well enough today to go ahead with my marshmallow roast tonight. :-)