Monday, December 12, 2005


Things are weird at college right now, while I try to figure out where I am living next semester. In one way, I want to live with my grandparents... but things arent going all that well this semester in that- a combination of our personality differences, generational (perspective) differences, that seem bigger than there are between me and my parents, (those are quite minor), "grandma" expectations, such as that I will always be the little girl and will always have time to hang out with Grandma for any length of time, and lifestyle differences- I live IN my environment... my grandma seems to live "around" it- her home looks like a hotel sometimes... she is super-neat.... I am not horribly messy- but not spotless, either...

she seems overly emotional... my mother is wondering if it is from menopause or something. She overreacts to things, like in emphasizing the seriousness of cleaning the dust off of the cabinets... I care about doing it... but it's not the most important thing in the whole world to me...

Don't tell her- but my parents and I are considering me living in a dorm this coming semester. I have the form all filled out for it, I talked to the financial aid people, (and found out they would do nothing about it) and figured things out. All I have to do now, is figure out where I am going to get the $2500 to pay for it.... I could take out loans... or I could work a million hours a week... or a combination of both....

I don't know... but I hope I get all of this figured out soon.... and if everything gets figured out with the RA stuff, so that they don't have laws against Bible studies, then, I could get free room and board next semester if I qualified to be one....

whatever happens, God is in control. I need to remember that. It's hard sometimes.


Thursday, December 08, 2005



I am in awe of how beautiful God has made even the smallest details of this earth. Even molecular structures are beautiful, and look at all the meticulous detail in a crystalline flake of snow! The fact that all snowflakes are different, shows how caring our Heavenly Father is- he even cares enough about beauty, to make unimportant details elegant. Flowers are so detailed, and are made for our enjoyment. God could have made them ugly- he could have caused the bees to be attracted to them just the same- but He didn't. He chose to make beautiful things for us!
God can make the most mundane things beautiful- from weed seeds, (dandelions) to pieces of frozen dirt and water- (snowflakes), he cares about our perceptions!
He also beautifies the ugly- scarab beetles- BUGS!- are some of the prettiest creatures there are- what with their metallic jewel-toned shells, and delicate legs! Butterflies are awful caterpillars, but God made them grow into delicate butterflies. Dragonflies are annoying- but their gossamer wings are stunning!

If He can make a bug beautiful, don't think that you're out of His league! He can make YOU into just as beautiful a creation as a snowflake, or a scarab, or a dandelion, or a dragonfly.... and He cares to beautify and craft YOU for His glory, more than He cares to beautify any other thing on earth- because YOU are the reason, that He died on the cross; YOU are the reason that He rose again, and YOU are the reason that He made a way for YOU to get to heaven. All of this was done for YOU- but also for ME, and HIM, and HER, and THAT OTHER PERSON, and YOUR ENEMY!

Think about it, next time you see a snowflake.... a lot of chances you have...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

college situations...

Things are confusing right now-

I just registered for classes for spring... and I am now officially befuddled. Both of my science classes, (anatomy and physiology, biochemistry) were full, and so I am officially behind, for my nursing major.
I am confused because I don't know what God wants me to do next- change my major, or just continue, a semester behind my schedule? Does He want me here at all? Does He want me to totally change the direction I am heading in?

I don't feel like I have been getting much input from Him... other than He letting my classes fill up... but then, He let me be able to get into my wellness courses... one was closed, but I wrote to the teacher- and she let me in... I have some fun classes going on... I kind of don't know what I want to do... I chose nursing basically for the point of choosing... I do not know what I would most like to do... other than probably find a husband, and raise a family... I would home-school... I even would consider taking in foster children, or adopting. But as far as a occupation? I think I will take a CNA class this coming summer.. then I can make more money in a job... then I suppose I could further my education slowly- from CNA to LPN to RN to BSN to MSN... to nurse midwife....

unless He doesn't want me to be involved in nursing.

I have no idea....

I will just pray. And think. And research.

maybe I should go on a missions trip this summer.... that could change things... I could go to NYC again....

~Danette Thompson