Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Yes, I have been bitten by the bug of impatience. I am so impatient for the semester to start, and end, and any other remaining time to pass, before I get to see my prince again. I do miss him so... Yes, I get to talk to him on the phone, and chat with him, and email him... but he's still not HERE... and I really miss getting to share my life with him the same way that I was able to, this summer... Just getting to look up at the pretty stars, and look over at him, and mention how pretty they were... and him be there to notice them with me... Or when I smell how fresh and green and summery it smells outside... I want him to be able to be there, and smell it with me... or when I went to the beach in CA before I went home... I wished he was there to hunt for seashells with Brita and I. Or to climb on the rocks. Or to just wade in the ocean, and feel how nice it was outside. And then there's the rest of life... going places, doing things, talking with people... and I wish he was here to share THAT with me, too... Listening to my little brother reason out what he is going to give Eric when he marries me, as a wedding gift, based on whether or not Eric can repair an... electrical outlet... (by the way, Benjy is WAY early... Eric hasn't proposed to me or anything.. he has to get my Daddy's approval first...)
It is so funny how Benjy, and Hanne, and Brita, and my grandmother, and occasionally my mother... will all say something to the effect that they're already assuming I will marry Eric. My dad, on the other hand, is more serious, and is intently scrutinizing what he learns about Eric, to determine whether he's good enough for me.... (I just hope he can manage to save some of his determining for when he actually meets Eric in person...)
My grandmother was having so much fun the other day, digging out all sorts of pictures of me, to show to Eric... She had us bring them to WalMart, and scan them onto the computer, so that we could burn them on a CD, and I could mail it to him. I am not sure how many of those pictures I will share... He says I should just email them to him... but,.. um,... they're all OLD... the newest one she has of me in there, was my 13th birthday... six years ago?

Whether I have nothing to say, or I have too much that I want to share... I want to have Eric be here with me... When my siblings think it doesn't make any sense at all... It doesn't bother me to talk to him on the phone and have a long silence while neither of us says anything... there's still the feeling that the person is there... Yeah, Daddy says "If you have nothing to say, you should just hang up the phone and call another time when you DO...".. but... but... he's kind of right when he says "You just call, and pretend you're there with him for two hours over the phone"... not quite... but it's still kind of like being with him rather than being so many miles and hours away. And it doesn't cost me anything. So... there.... :-)

Friday, August 25, 2006


I noticed today quite how sparse my posting on my blog has been this summer... sorry! I promise I will do better this fall!.... um... I have to go to bed now...

good night!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well, after a long and interesting summer, I am done working at camp. Now I have about two weeks to spend at my aunt and uncle's house, before I fly home and get back to school. I love my aunt and uncle... especially since they were so willing to come and get me, (and Eric!) a few days early, and since they are so awesome as to let him come at all.. I thought that was kind of shocking, actually, that they invited him... it almost didn't feel.. "proper" as I'd expect it to be... though we are chaperoned for nearly all the time, so... :-)

I love the time I am getting to spend with Eric now without work... It's really really nice.

and I will miss it when I have to go home. But his cell phone came today... so I will be able to call and talk to him... :-) and he has my numbers. Yay.
Well, I have to go now... so ...


Friday, August 04, 2006

Sunshine... :-)

I last posted a list of lessons from fog... now I thought I'd look at sunshine... or rather, sunshine and storms.
It can be sunny even when there's a thunderstorm minutes away... much in the same way that your day can go splendidly until moments before a disaster. During the sunny times of life, we often let our guard down, and forget that we are in a spiritual war against a very real enemy. We may stumble over something that would have been easy to avoid, were we on our guard. The storms of life can strengthen us and make us realize that we must rely on God... a lesson sometimes forgotten with the hard times passing.
Sunshine reminds me of God... all radiant and bright and warm. Very enthusiastic, and impossible to miss. It shines on everything, and even when we don't see it, it's still there. It's hot and pure and clean, with nothing impure in the sunshine. It's very powerful, able to power cities, burn things, light the darkness, and reveal secrets. It in its entirety is too much for us to handle.