Saturday, April 17, 2010


So, i realized today that i hadn't posted the latest synopsis on this site.

1. I have no boyfriend, as of Feburary 9th 2010. He broke up with me because he couldn't agree with me on the importance of doctrine in selecting one's church... and since I disapproved of his choice to switch over to the lutheran church, he broke up with me.

2. I am a senior! I am in my second-to-last semester of Nursing school, and I only need nine credits more of Nursing classes in order to graduate.

3. I think I'm getting close to being able to be in a relationship again. It's been over two months now, and i am not sure whether the risk for rebound is over... but i hope I get over it soon.

4. I am going to work as a counselor at Wood Lake Bible Camp this summer.

5. I am going to volunteer at Christ Community Clinics, way out in Memphis, this summer.

6. I have made more friends and met more guys that might like me this semester than in the rest of my life put together... go figure.  I'm not really ready to be looking that hard though, and so I'm leaving them all relegated to the realm of "friends" at this point.

7. well, i'd write more but i don't know what to write.
