Sunday, April 09, 2006


This weekend was fun. Well... the second half of it, anyway. I had to write a paper for my anthropology class, on Friday.... but Saturday, I went to the Wisconsin Right To Life convention.. which was a LOT of fun... mostly one session- with a lady named Vicki Thorn- an international expert on post abortion syndrome. (which she says to call "the aftermath of abortion", because it's really only the natural response to losing a child in such a violent manner.)

I want to get her to come and speak here, for the Lighthouse Society....

Then, Saturday night, Brita came to visit me. :-)
That was fun. I miss seeing her all the time like I did before college....

We watched a couple of movies Saturday night... which was fun, because it meant, watching movies and having her to laugh with- or to make a comment, and have her reply with something other than "shh!!" Then Sunday,to church, (very interesting sermon which included a reenactment of the fall feasts of the israelites.... Very different from normal... but fun.

this afternoon, we went shopping... YAY!!!!! I found two pairs of pants, and shoes for the Viennese Ball... :-) and strawberries for smoothies, and mascara, and bananas, and bread.... Yeah. That's it, I think... :-D But yeah- I actually found pants... they're not "fashionable" with the bootcut leg and midrise- but the legs aren't super-tapered, either, so I am happy. And Brita didn't say that they were hideous, so I am pretty sure that they look decent.

...Tonight I have done nothing....shame on me....but I really don't have anything due tomorrow- I wrote a paper this weekend, which should have given me knowledge for my quiz tomorrow night, and nothing else is due until Tuesday- when, I primarily have a piano recital, a short paper due, and... um.. a vocabulary quiz. I believe that's it..... Wednesday: no homework- just going to work and class..... Thursday: I have to turn in my Shel Silverstein poem for class, and turn in my paper for ENGL 225.... and... hmm.... perhaps something else I am not aware of... I shall have to go look and check my syllabus. But I am pretty sure that we won't be doing much.

and then... yay- easter weekend, and HOME. And no school. And Monday, Bobby Schindler. And then Tuesday, school again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for finding pants! I love finding nice pants because it is a difficult task! I am glad you had such a nice time with your sister.