Thursday, November 09, 2006

CNA Results...

I passed my test!
I thought it would be sooo much harder than it was... and I passed! I wish I could see just how well/bad I did, though... but all of the information I got about it said "PASS" rather than a grade.
Today I went around the area getting and filling out applications to work... and got a call from Riverside Manor nursing home- asking me if I'd like to come to an orientation thing on Monday at 11... so I may just have found myself a job on my first day of job-hunting!


Anonymous said...

Yay, I am glad you found a job and passed your test!!!

Anonymous said...

You mean my address?
Anna Nolte
c/o Robina Muller
Bureau 136 Faculte des Lettres
Universite de Pau
64000 Pau, FRANCE
Does that work? I took the acents off.