Friday, June 02, 2006

To Grandma's House I go... (and then to camp afterwards)

It's the last weekend before I fly out...
Time is getting shorter...
And my list of things to DO is staying the same...
It's nice, though- I DO have a nice list made up now of all the things I have to pack...
And unlike the font in this post....
my list is getting
Bigger- not smaller, as time goes on.

I just hope I remember to pack everything!

This summer is going to be a lot of fun... and interesting. It's a new experience made up of new experiences followed by more new experiences- first, flying by myself- then, visiting my relatives in CA by myself... then going to work on staff at a summer camp... and GOING to that camp at ALL for the first time... and working in a coffee shop for the first time, and having all of my own responsiblity for the first time, etc... it just keeps going, and going, and going, and going... and my summer, I am afraid, will be very very short...

Now I should actually get around to looking at the clothes I am bringing with me this summer, and taking an inventory.....



Anonymous said...

How exciting! I think you will enjoy the new experiences! I love freedom and the newness of life. It makes things interesting and not so much a child anymore.
I have been busy! Tonight I assisted in another rescue; this time someone had to jump in the pool!

Anonymous said...

You are going to do so well, my friend. God has been getting you ready for this for 18 years. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

You are leaving tomorrow!! Have fun.