Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To The Curmudgeons That Changed My Class Times....

a few things that I feel like saying right now, about the fact that my class schedule got changed, so now two classes that I kind of need are in conflict with each other... (which I registered for while they were at different times, by the way... and nobody contacted me when the times were changed,) grrrrr...... how pernicious of them!

Methink'st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee.
Taken from: All's Well That Ends Well

Hence, horrible villain, or I'll spurn thine eyes like balls before me; I'll unhair thy head, Thou shalt be whipp'd with wire, and stew'd'in brine, smarting in lingering pickle.
Taken from: Antony and Cleopatra

[Thou art] as loathsome as a toad.
Taken from: Troilus and Cressida

[Thou art] sick in the world's regard, wretched and low, a poor unminded outlaw sneaking home.
Taken from: Henry IV, part I

You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I'll tickle your catastrophe!
Taken from: Henry IV, part 2

Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes
Richard III

You speak unskilfully: or, if your knowledge be more, it is much darkened in your malice.
Taken from: Measure for Measure

What trick, what device, what starting-hole canst thou now find out, to hide thee from this open and apparent shame?
Taken from: Henry IV, part I

[Thou art] a very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow.
Taken from: Measure for Measure

Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years?
Taken from: Henry IV, part I

If the cook help to make the gluttony, you help to make the diseases.
Taken from: Henry IV, part 2

You starvelling, you eel-skin, you dried neat's-tongue, you bull's-pizzle, you stock-fish--O for breath to utter what is like thee!-you tailor's-yard, you sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing tuck!
Henry IV, part I

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That certainly was a large number of quotations! I hope your week was good overall!