Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Five things about me...

I was tagged by Amy at Farkleberry Juice, to list five little-known things about me... maybe I can find some things that you DON'T know... :) Hmm... this is hard, to come up with things that you don't already know... and that at the same time, I might actually not mind sharing... :) After all, my mother reads this blog sometimes, you know!...... (just teasing, Mother)

Ok.. here it goes...

1. LITTLE known thing... (not UNKNOWN, I'm guessing, but LITTLE known...).... um... I dislocated my elbow when I was little- like around 2?... My grandfather was holding my hand as we walked up the stairs at their house in Owatonna, MN, and I suddenly decided I wanted to go the other way, and tried to turn around and go down.... and because of the law of gravity, and him not wanting me to get hurt falling down the stairs, my Gramps didn't let go of my hand, and... there went the elbow. So... I dislocated it.

2. Another thing... When I was taking piano lessons from Mrs. Emmons, I apparently only mentioned "my sister" in a certain way that she got the idea that I only had ONE sister... and was kind of surprised to find out I had two! (and I didn't even realize I hadn't been differentiating them well enough...)

3. Every once in awhile... my lava lamp mesmerizes me... I stare at it and watch it go... particularly at times like these, when I recently turned it on, and it starts doing weird unusual things, instead of "blooping" up and down... (Is that a word? ... I kind of hope not... because that way I won't have used it wrong, or have used a double entendre or something... oh wait... it IS a word.....

bloop |bloōp| verb 1 [ intrans. ] informal make a mistake : the company admitted it had blooped. • [ trans. ] Baseball hit a ball weakly or make (a hit) from a poorly hit fly ball landing just beyond the reach of the infielders. 2 [ intrans. ] chiefly Brit. (of an electronic device) emit a short low-pitched noise.
DERIVATIVES bloopy adjective
ORIGIN 1920s: imitative.
Hmm.. maybe that second meaning can come close to the sound I imagine the lava would make, were I able to hear it, as the little blobs of liquid wax separate from the more solid, cooler lump at the bottom.... and "Fflupp" would be about equivalent to what I imagine it would sound like for them to join together again... hmm.. maybe these can become new onomatopoeical words... :) (kind of like "buzz")

ok.. back to the task at hand..

3. er... 4. Yeah.. that's right... 4. (wow, I've already answered three of these??) I like notebooks. Yeah, a lot of you that read this probably DO know that.... but I like them.. the pretty paper inside, the hard covers... I'm talking about spiral or sewn bound, hardcover notebooks, with the decorative paper inside that can do as a stand-in for stationery at times. :)
I also like stationery, and pens. And.. gel-pens, ball-points with tiny tips, and sometimes, the occasional mechanical pencil. But I hate normal pencils... they're too inconvenient, for someone who writes a lot.. you always have to sharpen them WAY too much, for their worth...

5. I went on a missions trip to New York City in December of my senior year, (wow, that was way back in '04-'05, now... seems so long ago, and still only yesterday!) and I loved it! It didn't really draw me any closer to any of the people I went on the trip with, (actually, I got a little annoyed at some of them more, as a result of going,) but it DID teach me a lot, and I was really encouraged by going, in my decision to attend a secular school after I graduated. You know- "Christian colleges" advertise all over for church youth groups, churches in general, and such... and even at summer camp, where I went to camp with summer counselors who were almost all invariably from a Christian college... there is this message proclaimed in all of these places- that for some reason, you cannot be right with God without going to a "Baptist Bible College" and majoring in "biblical studies" or "pastoral ministry" (for guys) or "Music ministry" or "Children's ministry" (for the ladies)... and... there I was, about to break out of this mold, and go to a secular university, (not only that, but a "PUBLIC" secular university- UWEC) and it was... almost embarrassing, in a way- that when some people asked me "where are you going to school?"... and I replied, "University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire"... they didn't look at me quite the same way... like I was some sort of heathen or something because I wasn't going to a Bible-college... And then I went to NYC. And met all of the really cool college kids that were on that trip, from Normal, IL... who went to the University of IL, and were NOT heathens... and they told me all about InterVarsity, and Navigators, and Campus Crusade, and such... and how alive a campus could be... and it encouraged me soooo much. And seemed to say to me, "hey, you're not going the wrong direction, just because it's different!"... but of course... when have I NOT been different?... It seems that everything about me has always been different... as boring as my life seems to have been so far... it's been different- out of the ordinary.

So.. anyway.. you see, another thing,... a number 6, you could say... is that I am not capable, I guess, of stating things simply and concisely in answering questions like the one asked.. five things about me that you don't necessarily already know.... and I am sure that #1, you will probably know at least some of those already, because, hey- I'm talkative, and if you've known me very long at all, you may have already heard a lot about my NYC trip...... and #2, I am pretty sure there are more than five things in that list, though it only has five bullets, and #3... it kind of doesn't resemble a list much anymore, does it?... I guess I don't do lists well, either... because I invariably come up with more details, and sub-headings and bullets to go into my list, that the original bullets seem to get lost in the sea after awhile.

Well, I will say goodnight for now, because 'tis already midnight, and I need sleep, if I want to have any MORNING tomorrow, so that I ca ndo my pharmacy technician schoolwork, AND call CVTC about my massage therapy program application that I turned in about three weeks ago, and haven't heard back about, AND finish "Feet of Clay" by Terry Pratchett, so Hanne doesn't kill me for not letting her read it yet, AND work on my shawl I'm crocheting, AND ... yeah. so the list goes onward... and somehow I invariably fall short on time, or determination, or both, to get it all done in time. And Thursday through Monday I work again... and so begins the craziness all over again. All I can say is that I'm glad I will be getting a decent paycheck this week... probably around $450 for my part time work.... which is ok, in my opinion... (especially since most of it is getting dumped into my bank account and sitting there, growing until I need it....)

wait.. here I am rambling on again....


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