Friday, September 01, 2006

Long walk...


I am finally back from my walk.. .I left right around 1:20... and I just got back... I walked up through Hillsdale and turned on the road that parallels Hwy 25 behind our property, (and someone else's in between ours and the road), and then after walking the length of that road back to where our property would be on the other side, I walked back, through the field of pine trees, and back into our property... except, and I always do this when I try going BACK through the woods...I get turned around inside those woods, and come out somewhere NOT where I thought I would... So I walked through the woods, ducking under branches and dodging brambles, (and walking through some spiderwebs, and having leaves and bugs bop me in the face..) up hills and down valleys, and finally, made it to the edge of the woods. Except it was the edge of the woods that was next to someone else's field... not ours. And I felt bad wandering through someone else's field to get to the road, and back to my house... so I just headed back up into the woods... albeit this time with a much better bearing on my location and which direction I needed to go... So then I just walked (hey, through some less brush-filled parts of woods... lots of pine trees had killed off most of the underbrush) through the pine trees and maple trees and oak trees and aspen trees and fir trees and poplar trees, and deer bushes and goldenrod and briars and thorn trees, and back towards home... When I got most of the way past the other person's field, the woods got a little messier, (the goldenrod and briars and thorn trees... plus some additional ancient barbed wire fence, and some more underbrush,) so I walked at the edge of the field, (through all of the goldenrod that was nearly as tall as I am... and the dead crunchy stuff, and thistles, and milkweed and grass... long grass.) until I got to the end of it, which is the border between our neighbor's property, and ours. So then I was back on our land.. and walking through the very thick alfalfa hay field, and picking a few flowers off the alfalfa as I went... to join the black-eyed-suzans and miniature daisies and other flowers that I found along my way.. (well.. all of them got found in the last stretch.. walking through the goldenrod I found the black-eyed suzans, and the daisies were in our alfalfa field... ) ... Now they're in a mason jar and look pretty...
Other than a couple of scratches on my legs, (and I think, a bit of sunburn) I am in one piece... but I remembered now, why I don't normally go walking that direction THROUGH the woods for exercise... it's really GOOD exercise... but not quite as fun as I'd like... partially because of all the gnats and mosquitoes and spider-webs, (and me walking face-first into them, and wondering if I've then got a spider on my head...)... But it was pretty out there.
And sorry... I didn't take any pictures, because it was cumbersome to bring my camera, and have to carry it the whole time.
Maybe next time
(oh... here is one added for your enjoyment post facto...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... I like going on walks every once in a while... Though, I haven't gone on very many as of recent (for reasons that are obvious) and the few I've gone on haven't been very far... When I'm back in my left shoe I shall certainly go for a nice walk :D probably bringing a stick for fear of creepy things that have moved into the woods... I greatly miss my left shoes :( They are so sad and unused at this point :( (sighs sadly) Anyway... I am hoping and praying to be back in them on thursday!!! Woot!!!! :D Let's hope everything goes alright with that...

Anyway... I am going to shut up now!