one more week...
Yay. All I have left of school, is this week- and then three days of finals- well, actually two- monday and wednesday... and then a few hours of work on Thursday...
I don't have enough money, it feels like- but I know I have probably $100 coming Friday of finals week... and then another chunk will be coming two weeks after that, (weird delay things...)... So I guess I just need to actually sub for some people, so I can get more hours... I will see today, if the finals week schedule at work still has room on it- I COULD work all day on Thursday.... that would be eight hours of work- six times eight equals 48... so that would earn me 48 more dollars... Grr. Benjy makes too much money- he made twice that working with my dad the other day, because he got paid by my dad, AND the farmer whose house they were at....
Alas... college jobs pay poorly.... and I have an expensive plane ticket to CA this summer.... rather than a really cheap one... because I waited too long to get it... :-(
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