Thursday, March 09, 2006

what have I done... lol....

Me and my desire for a challenge....

I may have met my match in Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)... memorizing his "Follia" in 3 weeks? :-D

that is what I have gotten myself into.. and mind you... I CHOSE this piece... *sigh*... .lol. ... We chose them today. The teacher played through it for me... I think he was surprised I chose it.. but then.. .a lot of the people in my class have next to no piano knowledge...just what they learned in Piano 106 last semester.... me- I got to skip that class... so... along with my 10 years of piano lessons.... yeah- I can manage Scarlatti.... just... I am worried I won't memorize it in time. I am in for a ride..... hello piano during spring break... lol... I hope I don't make my family go nuts because I practice too much.... :-)


1 comment:

Amy Pearson Photography said...

Love Scarlatti! I'll have to look that one up and see if I have it in any of my books, and we'll see who can memorize it first. :-)

(You have a jump on me there, because I've NEVER memorized a piece well. LOL!) You can do it. Just start at the end and memorize it backwards. (Or so I've heard. . . )