Monday, March 27, 2006


This quote made me laugh...
Cat powered Antigravity:

the theory is based upon the principles that 1) cats always land on their feet and 2) buttered toast, when dropped, will always land buttered-side-down. Therefore, by smearing butter onto the backs of cats and throwing them into the air, they should (theoretically) twist about endlessly without ever touching ground. It's uncertain whether margarine will achieve the same results.

Rather.... this whole site makes me smile...

(that is correct... no "com" at the end.)

check it out.

More about Cat antigravity..... this site chatters about the differing forces of the cat foot power and the butter-bread fusion power.... lol!!! this site is about cat antigravity, and the possibility of it being used to power UFOs... lol..... along with white shirts, tomato sauce, and Tide... :-D

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