Monday, January 30, 2006

one week down.... 15 to go...

Hmm.. I have 1 week less school, until summer.... Wow, it is surprising how my classes just started heaping work on me on the first day....

my english classes have asked for the most... but I don't mind that much... it's mostly really easy stuff... like a paper 1-2 pages long, (double-spaced, of course..).... and a whole lot of writing out sentences and stating what kind of word "kind" is, in this sentence.... etc...

I have a super-easy english class on grammar and word usage... I aced that on my ACT... (a 34 out of 36??)

my other english class is on words, and vocabulary...

I also have a sign language class, a human nutrition class, a linguistics class, and a piano class. Everything has 3 credits, except for the piano class... it only has 2...

so I have 17 credits.... and most of them are easy... just a lot of actual time to do the homework...

and I don't have much time.... not to mention I have been wasting it... hmm....


Friday, January 27, 2006

major change...

I am talking about a change in my "major"... not only a major change in my life... but I am now officially a "Communication Science & Disorders" major.. I realized that the main draw I had towards the nursing program is that it's hard to get into...and that nursing is a good field...

but anyway, I am not a nursing major anymore!

I had also signed up for a music therapy class... (introduction to the field)... and after the first day, I could tell it sounded like too much work... so I dropped it, and replaced it with a class on English grammar and usage.... fun....

Ironically, I dropped a class that I didn't like, and replaced it with an English class- where I will have to DO something I don't like- diagram sentences.... hah.... the one part of english I have a dislike of... diagraphobia...?

I have to go to bed now...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Dorm life...

These are pictures of my dorm the day after I moved in...

This evening my roommate's friend came over. She's going to spend the night here. I guess she'll sleep on the futon...

She and Jenna decided they were going to go to Oakwood mall... so they invited me... so I went. First we went to Applebee's for dinner. I have to say that from what I had seen of Jenna's friend, (for some reason I still don't know her name...) I was quite surprised that she did not have something to drink.... but she didn't, thankfully- in fact, I was the only one who had anything other than water... I had raspberry lemonade... but then, my dinner was 5.99 in all,,, and theirs were each at least 7.99... I had really good tomato basil soup... I think next time I will order a bigger bowl of it... it was only 2.99..... whatever.

When we had arrived at applebees, we were given a 15 minute wait... so the others decided we should go back to the car to wait. So we did. Which was not all that pleasant, because the whole time we were in the car, the entire evening, really really loud rock music was blaring. Now I know for SURE that the super-conservatives are wrong when they call the kind of music I like "rock" music.... this stuff sounded like all hell had been given a microphone, and was screaming out of the speakers... It was so loud my whole head felt like it was vibrating, and all I could think about was how damaging this was going to be to my hearing... and then occasionally I would think of a movie... because some of the songs were from movies I had seen... never listen to the words of the songs... but the sounds are matched with movie scenes in my head, I guess... But anyway, while sitting in the car at applebees, my thoughts changed... and I laughed at myself, as I realized that the nerd I am, my idea of using that time,would have been to go across the parking lot to OfficeMax, and browse their selection of pens and notebooks... :-)

My roommate seems very nice, so that is good. She has her stuff spread over 3/4 of the room... but my stuff still fits, so I guess I don't mind that much... She seems really spacey sometimes, and then other times, just sleepy... but then, she has like two swimming practices a day... so it's no wonder she is so slender, and may be tired... she's skinnier than my sister Brita...but just as tall, if not taller. I think. Maybe I'm wrong...

So far living in the dorms has been all right... I don't know what I'm going to think once there are classes... man- I hope by then our heater is fixed.... it bangs and rattles and screeches and squeaks... awfully, whenever you are trying to listen to something, or go to sleep...

I feel like I should be writing more... but that is all that will fit under this post. I will have to write under another heading to add more.... maybe later...