Friday, September 14, 2007

School Again.

Here I am, back at school again... only this year it seems better, for some reason. It might have to do with the fact that I'm involved with several campus organizations this time around... or maybe it's the fact that I've grown to be a bit more outgoing in the last year or so... Or.. maybe it's just due to how much God has done in my life in the past year.
Every day I am amazed at who God is, and what He has done for me... how much he's taught me since January... and really- I keep having it reinforced for me that I am in the right place right now... It's really cool when God does that.
I'm still kind of wishing that He'd see fit to give me some particular guy friend... but I am going to be patient and wait for Him to bring one of those to me on His time. I've already learned that taking things into my own hands just hurts me.

This semester is looking to be tough- with my science classes, working, and social stuff too... I'm also praying and thinking about dropping my anthropology class or not, because I want to have more time for working/studying without having to give up my social time...
I've learned from experience... social time is engergizing for me- if I don't have any, life isn't quite so much fun and vibrant. It gets a bit lonely.

Well- I have biology class in a little bit... so I should log off of the computer soon... so I think I'll say goodbye for now, and write again later!


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