alas, and I am too well behaved. lol.
Sadness that I have to work today and tomorrow.. I really wish I could just call in and tell them I can’t come in…. just because I really don’t want to work at the nursing home any more. But alas, I must be responsible, and follow through with the fact that I AM on the schedule for those days, and hence I’m responsible to show up. For one day it makes me halfway wish that I wasn’t such a good responsible Christian, so that I could just decide to call in and pretend to be sick and not have to go. Because I am really tired of going to the nursing home at all. I love helping people, and what I DO isn’t all that bad… but having to go to work itself, especially when I’d rather be at camp today, and not missing half a week of training…. (especially since at camp, a week means a lot… I am sort of wondering if when I get back to camp on Sunday, everyone else will have developed their friendships and gotten to know each other… and I’m going to be on the outside….again. I hope that doesn’t happen, but it just might, and it’s going to be sad if it does. Already a couple of people in my "Unit", that I met only Tuesday... I don't think they understand me... like, I was trying to discuss the fact that they likely DID have butter in the middle ages, and hence, butter not existing back then was an erroneous reason for us not to get it with our dinner- and they were perceiving wrongly that I was complaining about not getting it... when really, I was talking about the validity of the reason... *sigh* I was trying to just have fun and discuss something, and the one girl says, "Well, we're not getting butter anyway, so we can just deal with it." and it made me feel bad... because I realized that she thought I was upset about getting no butter.... and I wasn't. And... so now I am betting that I made a bad impression with that girl, because she's apparently not the kind of person who can debate or discuss random little things like that, lol... and *sigh*, now I'm semi-annoyed with myself for seeming to be incapable of acting like everybody else, no matter when or where I am. I'm just the odd duck, a lot of the time.
I'm also slightly concerned that I will end up feeling distanced from others by being the nurse's assistant rather than on the program staff, or the counseling staff... being in my own little group of two, Teresa and I... and being out of the "group" of people who become best friends and such... I don't know. I'm probably worrying too much, and it's probably not going to happen. But I really don't want to feel left out this summer... even though, feeling happy and accepted and liked isn't the POINT of going to camp. It's not the purpose. I need to remind myself of that. Those things may be products..... but the POINT, is to serve God, and to what's right. I need to keep in mind my reason for being at camp this summer.
I want to make a difference this summer in someone’s life. Pray that God will break me, shape me, and mold me more into His image this summer, and teach me to follow Him more closely every day.
Yeah. Well, that should be the end of my chattering for now. I am going to attempt to update my blog regularly... I hope I succeed in updating it frequently.
and hey- if anyone wants to send me mail at camp, that could be fun.. I know that my family is highly unlikely to do so since I will be 15 minutes from home... but still... I ENJOY getting mail from people.
My address at camp will be:
Danette Thompson
c/o Camp Chetek
PO Box 26
Chetek,WI 54728
My email is the same as ever:
I will be delighted to hear from everybody!