Hey, it's a good day!
Today was an awesome day. I came down to Eau Claire, and got a lot of stuff done, and now I'm really happy with how the day's turned out. :)
I got my classes figured out- which ones to register for, I got to talk to Lorraine, who was my temporary advisor, who was AWESOME and a lot of help and encouragement... I was able to go to InterVarsity tonight for the first time, and it's kind of funny to me that I finally got there... without being a student this time. LOL
I also discovered Cafe420... a Christian coffee shop in Eau Claire, really close to the university. :) I'm writing this blog post from there, lol.
I also got a new book to read... I'm going to see how long it takes me to read it. lol! "Til We Have Faces", by CS Lewis.
It was a great day... but it really made me wish this was a normal day... meaning that it was a day while I was at school again. I am SO looking forward to fall, when I get to go to school... though it's funny that everyone thinks I'm absolutely crazy because I want to skip summer and just have fall come right away.
However, I guess at the same time, I don't want to do that... because I want to have summer with my family again... to get to canoe down the river, to get to have lots of bonfires, go swimming a couple of times, etc... I miss camp Chetek even, and it's sad that it's changing so much, that I wouldn't feel able to work there, but yet, I miss its familiarity, and the comfort of being there, and not working there just is something that falls short of the plan I had since I was very little, of working there when I got old enough to be a camp counselor.... remembering what it was like to have an awesome counselor like Ruth was, and how much encouraged I came home from camp the one year I had an awesome counselor.
But alas, this summer, I work. And work. And work. And work some more. And I don't know what else the summer holds for me... maybe something, I hope so. A friend gave me a link for a day-camp thing that's happening near madison for special-needs kids, and it sounds kind of cool... after working as a CNA, it's funny how much my perceptions and reactions for things have changed. How a few years ago I would never have considered doing much at all with special needs-kids, because I wouldn't know how to treat them, or how to deal with them... but after working with alzheimers' patients, I think I could handle it well, and probably enjoy it. Though.. I'm pretty sure that I'll probably end up just working... *sigh* I don't know for sure. God does though, and I'm going to wait for him to let me know. :)
I want to get to have fall, and the spring, and finally be a nursing student, partially because I'd love to get to be a camp nurse... :)
Well, I should go now, lol. So... the end. :)