Saturday, March 03, 2007


You know, when I broke up with Eric, I thought I would be miserable for quite awhile... every time I saw something from him or relating to him.. I almost burst into tears. My mom advised me to pray for God to take care of my feelings... and that when he did, not to freak out about it, or think something was wrong because he did.
Well, I found myself thinking that way yesterday. Feeling... almost ashamed of myself because I wasn't unhappy anymore. I was... not really thinking about the whole mess at all... and felt guilty about it, because it hasn't been very long. And yet, it feels like an eternity.
I guess that I just have to be thankful to God for answering my prayers, and beginning to heal my heart.
I wonder what's coming next for me. ;)

"wait and see" God says. :) ... I'll try.


Lady of Fostoria said...

Darling Dani,
The some of the greatest universal truths are love and war. You now have one under your belt. And you can now meet the rest of life's challenges with grace and fortitude.

Dani the Dandelion said...

aww... Kimmy figured out how to leave me a comment. :D