Saturday, April 01, 2006


Hmm.... Just something from one of the liberal "groups" on facebook...

Quite the propoganda.. it really seems to fit the description in my English class of a pitch... :-)

Are you disturbed and weary of Conservative lies? Corporations, and the Republicans that serve them, have the sick, the tired, and the poor of our nation serving them on their hands and knees while Bush's big government agenda strips all of us of our rights and dignity.

Now is the time for the kind-hearted and able-minded people of America to rise up and fight for their best interests in government. Quality education is what our children must have. Affordable health care is what every person deserves. Security during retirement is what our elderly are owed. An independent and impartial judiciary must be upheld to sustain checks and balances. Clean water and healthy skies are what all peoples of this world are entitled to. America will never prosper with a Fundamentalist Conservative chasing fictitious issues. The world needs Liberalism. The world needs strong-minded and open-hearted Liberals like you.

If you love freedom, cherish liberty, and if you value human rights and dignity, then you are a Liberal. Freedom isn't free; it takes a lot of time, effort, cooperation, patience, understanding and respect. Conservatives find these ideals to be intolerable. They are unwilling to sit down and discuss what is possible to make the world better for everyone and not just for themselves. They are unwilling to sacrifice their own comforts and indulgences to ensure everyone else's security and prosperity.

Liberals are the ones who represent true American values, don't let Conservatives have you believe otherwise. We must unite to combat immoral and corrupt Conservatism. Be Liberal, be proud!

Yeah. First comes the definition of the problem: Corporations, .... have the sick, the tired, and the poor of our nation serving them on their hands and knees while Bush's big government agenda strips all of us of our rights and dignity.

Next, the call, and the bonding... Now is the time for the kind-hearted and able-minded people of America to rise up and fight for their best interests in government......The world needs strong-minded and open-hearted Liberals like you.

After that, it tries to label what a "liberal" is... but uses such broad terms that it is almost ficticious... I mean- value human rights, and abort unborn children, at the same time? What about the dignity of the elderly, and infirm? You supported the death of Terri Schaivo! Freedom? How can you say that, and oppose the war on terror, and the freedom of Iraq? Liberty? Why do you smash my liberty to proclaim what I believe to all the world? You claim that we need "tolerance"... but where is the tolerance you speak of? You definitely haven't shown it!
Hmm... unwilling to sit down and discuss... I definitely am not! If a liberal sincerely wants to sit down and discuss political issues with me- go ahead! I'll discuss....

the last bit is infuriating.. "They are unwilling to sacrifice their own comforts and indulgences to ensure everyone else's security and prosperity. " Hmm... Why is it that the conservatives are the ones that were agreeing to the Patriot act?? Or not having a problem with Bush's wire-tapping?

We must unite to combat immoral and corrupt Conservatism. Be Liberal, be proud! Yeah. Immoral... Like opposing homosexual unions. (I will not use the word "gay" because it was a beautiful word in our language until it was sullied... much like queer... ack! these two destructions of English already make me feel hostile towards the culprit...) And... like protesting abortion! and... like... um... being different! :-) yeah.

riiiight. Just a glimpse of the drivel that the "other side" believes these days....


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better! Politics is not my thing so I got a little lost today and stopped following! Sorry, I could respond intelligently but I got distracted ;).

Unknown said...

Read this to my roomie. We're both conservatives, myself a fundamentalist. What gets me is that I fall under the definition of "Liberal" here. I love freedom, liberty, human rights, and dignity. But oddly enough, I am not a liberal... how could that be?

According to the article, God must be Liberal and Satan Conservative. O.o That is a desterbing thought.

I have to go superquick, but thought I'd reply in my "grrr..." moment.