Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Move

It is quite interesting the way things work out.

For the entire time I have been at college, I have mourned the loss of my pastor. "Pastor Jahn is nice", I'd say- "But I miss Pastor Pearson". And Amy, and to some extent, Ben and Tori, and David.
I guess that God still thinks I need him- because He's given my pastor back.

things are bumpy on the road to them coming down- but they've found a house, and things are looking up...


The majority of people in my class seemed to just accept the things that were said to them about homosexuals, rather than thinking critically about it. Sharon Westphal keeps saying "Think Critically. Test conclusions. Test claims." and yet, it seems that she doesn't really mean it- she just means "Test traditional conclusions. Test traditional or religious claims." It seems like people really don't want you to dig deeper into contemporary claims- such as the ethicity of abortion, or the morality of homosexuality. They want you to test Christian beliefs, and accept evolution and abortion and homosexuality and euthanasia and cloning and embryonic stem cell research, as facts of life, that are inherently neutral, or good. They want you to believe the claims that evolution is a law, and that abortion is a "woman's right". They want us to believe homosexuals are "born that way", and that euthanasia is merciful. They want us to see cloning and stem cell research as advances in technology, rather than as destroying it so that they can try to create or extend it.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Ahh.... The piano can fix anything.

Some people from my grandparents' church heard me playing the piano after the service. Enjoying it, the lady said, "Oh- you've GOT to play for church! You're really good."

"I can't", I replied. "I don't have a piano at home- and I can't get good enough to play at church, if I don't have a piano."
"You can borrow ours!... You've GOT to play for church!.... Right dear?" she added, to her husband. "Can't she borrow our piano?"

"Sure," her husband said. "We aren't using it."

So now, I have a Hamilton Console piano from the 1950's.... It is holding its tune quite well, and I am very happy, because I now have a PIANO. I missed having one.

yay... I feel tempted to go downstairs and play it... but being it's almost 11... I don't think I shall.