Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello again, world

It has been a very long time since I posted on my blog, and I have decided I should get back into the swing of things.
A lot has happened since August- whew! It is the sunday before Thanksgiving, and I am about to begin another hectic week. I have a pot of beef stew on the stove, dumpling mix in a ziploc ready to put in as soon as John calls me to tell me he's on his way over, and I am relaxing for a few minutes, to not do homework or cook.
One of my next projects in my NRSG 240 class is scaring me- it's a full-blown physical assessment- so that means that I get to assess one of my classmates- and they get to assess me. We don't do private areas (no genitourinary tract, or the south end of the GI tract) of the body- but basically anything else is up for grabs- I'm not sure about breast tissue though- because someone told me we don't do that in class on each other- but then it's in the list of things we could be tested on- so it just might be. *shudder*
I wrote a 10 page paper recently on polio- now I have to do a case-study on an organism for my microbiology class, so I think I'm going to pick polio for that too- though the idea of the case study is to talk about how you treat the disease, etc- and polio isn't really all that treatable... but oh well- the teacher didn't tell us what we couldn't choose. lol.
I am trying to think who I should invite to come eat soup with John and I- I was thinking of inviting someone else, since otherwise I'll have a LOT of leftover soup... though, then again...I can eat it tomorrow, and maybe Tuesday, and Wednesday and... yeah.

Getting back to this- the soup was good, and I have lots of leftovers... I invited Erina, and Cindy- but neither of them were available- so I end up having too many leftovers. :)